Vegan Peach Galette

Everybody loves galettes - they are as tasty as pies or tarts but don’t require that much effort. This vegan one has a slightly nutty crust thanks to spelt flour and delicious peach and ginger filling. It is an amazing summer treat, so let’s do it together!


I am sure I already mentioned that I much prefer to eat fruit raw than baking it. But that is not good enough if you have blog with recipes like I do, haha. So I am trying to come up with relatively quick and easy recipes that don’t require much of your time (except for waiting but that doesn’t count in my opinion).

I am also a very picky when it comes to fruit (well, not just fruit) - I for example like raw cherries or plums but I would never bake with them. Actually that’s not true - I would if they were blitzed in a food processor, it’s just the texture of baked fruit that I don’t like that much. Yes, as I said, I am picky. Peaches are different though - I love baked desserts with them. This time I paired it with ginger, which is such an unusual but tasty combination! Let me know what you think about it.

What ingredients do you need?

WHOLEMEAL SPELT FLOUR - recently I have been trying to use different flours than all purpose - I am not cutting it away completely, I am just a bit more conscious about using it too much. And in my opinion, spelt flour is one of the best! It has a very nice taste which pairs well with easy fillings like this peach one. That said, if you prefer all purpose flour, use measurements from this recipe for the pastry.

VEGAN BUTTER - I am so incredibly grateful that there is such a thing as vegan butter! I either use Flora or Naturli - in the UK you can find both in supermarkets.You can replace it with coconut oil but don’t use margarine - it has different water content and it might not go well.

VODKA - this trick of adding vodka into a shortcrust pastry, well, didn’t change my life, but definitely helped me not to fear this pastry. You can add more of vodka than you would add water but your pastry won’t come out tough. It just makes the rolling out much easier. Majority of the alcohol will evaporate in the oven, so you won’t taste it at all.

PEACHES - the main star - use not so ripe ones otherwise you might end up with a soggy bottom on your galette. You will need to slice them but don’t worry if some slices are thicker and some thinner, it doesn’t matter that much.

GINGER - before you think that this flavour combination is a bit strange, try it! It is very nice - unique and fresh. But if you don’t like ginger, just don’t use it.

Step by step instructions on how to make peach galette

  1. Sift flour, icing sugar and salt into a bowl, whisk and add butter (straight from the fridge) cut into small cubes.

  2. Rub together until it resembles wet sand (either with your hands or with a fork or in a food processor).

  3. Start adding either vodka or ice cold water - tablespoon by tablespoon. Combine dough gently, do not knead it. After every tablespoon try if it holds together - if it doesn’t add another tablespoon. If it does, bring the dough together into a ball or even better - a disc, cover with cling foil and let it rest for at least an hour (or overnight) in the fridge.

  4. Mix sliced peaches with sugar, cornflour and ginger and leave it for a bit.

  5. Take the dough from the fridge, leave it for few minutes to get softer and then roll it out until around 4 mm (like a pound coin) thick- either in between two baking papers or cling foil.

  6. Transfer dough onto a lined baking sheet and spread peaches on top of it, leaving around 1,5 cm free space around edges. Fold in the edges to overlap peaches, brush with milk and bake in preheated oven (200C/180C fan) for 25-30 mins.


How to make the best pastry? There are lots of things - for first, sift flour and icing sugar. Next thing would be, use vodka instead of water - you can add a bit more vodka than you would water, so it is easier to bring the dough together and later to roll it out. Don’t worry, most of the alcohol will evaporate in the oven. Also don’t knead dough too much otherwise gluten will develop, which might make the pastry tough. Also leave it to rest!

How to roll the pastry dough? I don’t like to flour the surface and which adds more flour so what works the best for me is to roll it out in between two pieces of cling foil. Nothing sticks and it also makes it very easy to move the rolled out dough. You could also use two pieces of baking paper.

How to transport the rolled out dough on the baking sheet? If you are using cling foil, just move it and turn around. You could also use rolling pin - roll the dough around the rolling pin and then unroll it on the baking sheet.. If you are rolling it out on the baking paper, just move it all together.

Do you find this pastry intimidating after all these tips? Don’t worry, I did too! But try it, you’ll get better with time. And you’ll be proud that you did something homemade. That said, there is no shame in buying it (which is what you can totally do, it saves time).

Can galette be reheated? If you fancy, you can reheat it an oven or a microwave.


For more vegan tarts and galettes be sure to check out:

Vegan Strawberry Galette

Vegan Strawberry Tart with White Chocolate

Vegan Rhubarb Frangipane Tart

If you make this peach galette, and take photos of it, be sure to tag me on instagram - @bigbakesmanifesto and use hashtag #bigbakesmanifesto too! I love to see people making my recipes. Or follow me on Pinterest, where you can comment and rate my recipes.

This will make around 20cm galette. You can double the amount and make a bigger one or two smaller ones.



100 g whole meal spelt flour
25 g icing sugar
pinch of salt
60 g vegan butter (or coconut oil) - straight from the fridge
2-3 tbsp vodka or ice cold water

Peach Filling

2 peaches (they shouldn’t be very ripe) - sliced into 0,4 cm slices
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp grated ginger (that is around 3 cm of the ginger root)
1 tsp cornflour

optional: 1 tsp non dairy milk to brush pastry with



  1. Sift flour, icing sugar and salt into a bowl. Add butter and rub together until it resembles wet sand.

  2. Add ice cold water or vodka (tablespoon by tablespoon) to the bowl. I added 2 tbsp of water but for you it can be different - it depends on flour you use. Combine dough gently, don’t knead. After every tablespoon try to press a small piece of the dough into ball and see if it holds together - if so, press all of dough together, wrap into cling foil and leave in the fridge for at least an hour (you can leave it over night). If it doesn’t hold together, add another tablespoon of water and try again.

  3. Remove pastry from the fridge, leave it for around 10 mins to get warmer.

  4. Preheat the oven to 200C/180C (fan) and line a baking sheet with baking parchment.

  5. Combine peaches, sugar, ginger and cornflour in a bowl.

  6. Roll pastry out until around 4mm thick. It is easy if you roll it in between two pieces of cling foil or baking paper. Gently move pastry to a lined baking sheet and spread peaches on top of it - but leave around 1,5 cm clear around edges. Fold in the edges to overlap peaches. Brush the edges with non-dairy milk.

  7. Bake for 25-30 mins - until the pastry is golden. Leave to cool and if you fancy, sprinkle with some icing sugar.


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