Mulled port


Apparently lots of people love mulled wine. But what about those people who don’t like red wine? I think mulled port is the answer to that.

This is a great drink to have when you feel chilly or when you just finished work and it’s already dark outside and you feel like having a drink (like me tonight).

By the way, this recipe works with red or white wine as well.


500ml port
half of orange - sliced (or a whole orange, up to you)
6 whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 star anise
optional: sugar


  1. Put all the ingredients into a sauce pan and bring almost to the boil. Simmer on a low heat for 15 minutes (but don’t boil).

  2. Remove from heat but leave everything together in the saucepan for about another 15 minutes - just to let all the spice to infuse for a bit longer (but if you are impatient, just have it straight ahead).

  3. If needs to be, heat up a bit (without boiling) and serve.


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