Hot Chocolate with Tahini

Learn how to make the best vegan hot chocolate. This hot chocolate is creamy and rich and doesn’t require any cream. Plus is super quick to make!


Another recipe that is not exactly a recipe.. I know that for some people these things are super easy to make and they don’t need any instructions but I also know that there are lots of people who need some help when it comes to things like this. And that’s perfectly fine, I was (and still am sometimes) one of those people - I never learnt how to cook with my mum so all I know is from cookbooks, blogs and magazines.

You might look at these ingredients and think that it is more of hot cocoa than hot chocolate. Well, maybe it is, haha. But you know, I always think that hot chocolate should be quite rich and thick whereas hot cocoa is quite thin. Because of tahini, this is exactly that consistency you want hot chocolate to be so for me, this is definitely hot chocolate.

What ingredients do you need?

Nothing fancy! You probably have everything already in your pantry. You can use any non dairy milk that you have - I personally recommend oat, soy or pea milk (have you tried that? It is really nice with coffee). I only use cocoa powder, no chocolate but what makes this hot chocolate so creamy is tahini. My tahini is runny so if yours is thick, use only half of the amount. It gives this vegan hot chocolate slightly nutty flavour which is great. Next is sweetener - I like to use maple syrup but any syrup or sugar you have is good. I decided to add cardamom to it because I think that cardamom goes well with both chocolate and tahini but if you don’t like it, feel free to omit it (or use cinnamon). And don’t forget a pinch of salt! Salt is such a good thing in sweets, it deepens the flavour.

For more recipes like this one visit these links:

Vegan White Hot Chocolate

Spicy Vegan Hot Chocolate

Vegan Golden Milk

If you make this hot chocolate, and take photos of it, you can tag me on instagram - @bigbakesmanifesto and use hashtag #bigbakesmanifesto too! I’d love to see you making my recipes. Or follow me on Pinterest, where you can comment and rate my recipes.

Makes 1 cup


250 ml non-dairy milk (I used pea milk but any kind is good)
1 tbsp cocoa (or cacao) powder
2 tbsp tahini (mine is quite runny so in case your tahini is thick, use only 1 tbsp)
1 tsp maple syrup (or more)
pinch of salt
pinch of cardamom (optional)


  1. Add all the ingredients into a small saucepan (I like to sift my cocoa powder) and whisk it until it’s all mixed.

  2. Heat up until almost boiling, taste - in case you want it sweeter and serve.


Vegan White Hot Chocolate