No fuss chocolate truffles


So Valentine’s day is behind a corner. Do you celebrate it? I’ll be honest and say that I don’t really.. But I can use any excuse to make these chocolate truffles 😊 And even if you’re not into Valentine’s day, there is always a reason to celebrate!

For some people truffles can be the easiest thing to make but for some it can be a nightmare.. Just because there is a chance that your chocolate will seize and there is no coming back from it - which I find frustrating. But don’t let me discourage you - just read notes and remember that nobody taught fell from the sky. Sounds a bit weird, it is a Czech proverb basically saying that you have to train to be good at something.


200g dark chocolate (preferably 60%)
200ml vegan cream (I used oat cream)
1tbsp coconut oil
1/4tsp five spice
for topping: cocoa/coconut/sprinkles/crushed nuts/…


  1. Chop the chocolate very finely (it will melt easier) and tip into a bowl (preferably heatproof).

  2. Put the cream, coconut oil and five spice into a smaller saucepan and heat up until simmering*. Pour over chocolate and let it sit in a bowl for about 5 minutes.

  3. Now stir until chocolate is melted.* Once it is melted, let it cool, cover with a cling foil and put into the fridge for about 4 hours.

  4. To shape the truffles - it is easier to do in a colder room so they don't melt easily. You can also dust your hands (or gloves) with cacao powder for easier manipulation. Just scoop 1tbsp of mixture into your hands and roll them between your palms into balls. Cover them in your choice of topping immediately. after rolling. Place on a tray (or into a box) cover them loosely and put into the fridge.


  • Don’t let the cream boil, because if you pour boiling cream over chocolate, it will seize (I’ve been there so many times, trust me). If it boils anyway, just let it cool down for a minute and then pour it over chocolate.

  • In case the mixture is seized (the fat split away from the chocolate, it looks a bit grainy and weird, it means that the cream was too hot and unfortunately you can’t go back from that, you’ll have to start again. But you can use that seized chocolate, I would put it into brownie.

  • If you can’t get the chocolate melted all the way, you can heat it up over a saucepan filled with a bit of simmering water - just make sure to use heatproof bowl and the water shouldn’t touch the bowl). Or just let it be, I once left tiny pieces in it and nobody complained 😁


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