Molasses Cookies


Possibly my boyfriend’s favourite cookies. Sometime he randomly asks me if I could bake those nice molasses cookies :)

They are nice and crispy, however in case you’re like my mum and you don’t like crispy cookies, they get softer if you keep them in an airtight box for a few days.


Makes 24 cookies


135g oil (sunflower or any kind that has mild flavour)
160g golden caster sugar
4tbsp molasses
240g all purpose flour
1tsp baking soda


  1. Preheat oven to 175C and line two baking sheets with baking paper.

  2. Place oil, sugar and molasses into a bowl and whisk together.

  3. Sieve flour and baking soda and add to the bowl with sugar. Mix until combined.

  4. Divide dough into 4 pieces and from each piece create an oval/log shape. Place two pieces of dough on one baking tray (make sure to leave them some space, they will spread) and flatten them slightly.

  5. Bake for 17-19 minutes until golden brown. Take them out of the oven, immediately cut into slices and after few minutes transfer to a cooling rack.


If you don’t like the taste of molasses, use golden syrup instead.
In case you over bake them, don’t worry, they get softer if kept in air tight box for a day or two.


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