Linzer cookies


In the Czech Republic it is traditional to make 7 different kinds of Christmas cookies. Unless you’re my mum, then you make at least 13 different kinds. Yes, she might be a bit crazy but I have to say that her cookies are the best.

And for me, this is the first year that I baked more than one kind of Christmas cookies. And I have to say I am actually enjoying it. What kind is your favourite?

I am not quite sure whether to call these linzer cookies or jammy dodgers.. Because in the Czech Republic we make these for Christmas and we call them linzer cookies. But then I was reading that in linzer cookies there should be almond flour. What a pickle! Anyway, let’s stick with linzer cookies and maybe next year there will be a version with almond flour.


If you’re traditionalist, use just your favourite jam instead of the caramel (I made half and half because I love both). But I would still recommend to make that caramel and use it however you would use caramel (on pancakes, on your morning porridge,…)



50g icing sugar
100g vegan butter (I use Naturli block)
200g all purpose flour
2tsp cornstarch

Caramel filling

200ml coconut milk
50g brown caster sugar (or coconut)



  1. Mix cornstarch with 6tsp of water and set aside.

  2. Sift sugar and flour into a bigger bowl, mix and add butter (preferably cut it in small cubes). Rub together until it resembles wet sand and then add cornstarch slurry (cornstarch might settle on the bottom of the bowl so maybe stir it again). Combine dough gently, don’t knead. If it doesn’t come together, add a tablespoon of water. If it does, press all of dough together, wrap with cling foil and put into the fridge to rest for at least an hour, but overnight works better.

  3. Preheat the oven to 160C and line two bake sheets.

  4. Take dough from the fridge, leave for couple minutes (so it isn’t that tough), flour your surface and roll out dough until around 3mm (like a one pound coin). Cut into your preferred shapes (don’t forget to make a smaller hole in half of your cookies) and put on baking sheets.

  5. Bake for 12-15mins - they go quite quickly brown, so look at them towards the end.

  6. Let the cookies cool down completely before assembling them.


  1. Put coconut milk and sugar into a saucepan and slowly bring to boil. Cook on a low heat for about 30 mins.

  2. Move to a jar and keep in the fridge.


With this amount of dough I made 12 cookies (3 inches wide)
You can make the caramel a bit ahead - it will be a bit runny after cooking for 30mins but it will get thicker in the fridge - which is ideal for putting the cookies together.
This amount of caramel is more than you will tneed for the linzer cookies - but it is very easy to find a purpose for the rest - on your porridge, into mince pies or just on a spoon :))


Mince pies


Bánh-mi with char siu tofu