Easter sweet bread (“mazanec”)


It’s Easter time! And my favourite thing to eat during Easter is mazanec! (or chocolate, it is difficult to decide). Anyway, mazanec is a sweet bread that is traditionally baked in the Czech Republic. I always loved to eat it with butter or jam when my grandma baked it. Now I have to say that it is very difficult to even try to bake something my grandma bakes - it just can’t be that good. But I love to try anyway and I have to say I am quite pleased how this one turned out. It is very similar to babka, there is just no filling in it. If you like raisins in baking, add them to it - they are suppose to be there. I just really dislike raisins or dried fruit in anything baked so I never put it there. If you want to make it a bit more interesting and you are like me, why not to add chocolate chips instead?


Making the dough is actually very easy - it only requires a bit of kneading and time for it to rise - which can be quite long (like any other bread) but it doesn't need your attention at all. You first start with mixing all dry ingredients together and then adding melted butter with milk to it. Knead it for about 10 mins if you are kneading it with your hands, 7 mins should be enough in a mixer. You should get smooth dough that comes off the walls of bowl easily. Add raisins if you fancy them.

After kneading leave it to rise for 60-90 mins in a medium bowl covered with cling foil or tea towel (I actually use plastic shower cap, it is perfect). Leave it somewhere warm but not too hot - near heating, or in the oven with only the light on. It should double in size. Alternatively you can let it rise slowly in the fridge over the night. Transfer it to a baking sheet, make a nice little loaf and leave for another 60-90mins.

Brush with maple syrup mixed with milk, cover in sliced almonds and then just bake in preheated oven to 160C for 40-45 mins - it will get golden brown. It is best on the day you bake it but it will last few days - just toast it in a toaster or make a French toast (pst, recipe for that is coming too).


175g all purpose flour
40g caster sugar
3,5g quick yeast
1/2tsp salt
45g vegan butter
75ml non dairy milk
1/4tsp vanilla extract
2tsp non dairy milk
1/2tsp golden or maple syrup
sliced almonds
optional: 20g raisins*


  1. Sieve flour into a bigger bowl (or your standing mixer bowl). Add sugar, yeast and salt and mix together.

  2. Melt butter in a small saucepan. Add milk and vanilla extract and check whether it is not too hot or too warm - it should be body temperature - so just try it. If you have a kitchen thermometer, it should be around 38C.

  3. Add melted butter to the flour mixture, stir until it comes together and then knead for about 10 minutes. The dough should be smooth and if you knead it in standing mixer, it should come off the walls of the bowl.

  4. If you choose to add raisins, add them now. Place dough back into the bowl, cover with a cling foil and let it rise for 60-90 mins - it should double in size.

  5. Line baking sheet with baking parchment, take the dough from the ball, create a nice little round loaf and transfer it to the baking sheet. Cover with cling foil and let rise another 60-90mins.

  6. Preheat oven to 160C and mix 2tsp milk with maple syrup. Brush the loaf with maple mixture, cut a cross on top of it (with a sharp knife) and sprinkle almonds on top. Bake for 40-45mins, until inserted skewer comes out dry and it is golden brown.


Raisins - you can soak them in rum/brandy or something similar that you like. It is a bit more interesting that way.


Vegan French Toast


Roasted Cauliflower and broccoli salad